We are your competent and highly-qualified private investigators in Zurich and all Switzerland. You may hire our detective services for nation- and worldwide investigations – discreet and legally trained. To avoid the exclusion of evidence produced by us, we attach the highest importance to the legal usability of any evidence: +41 (0)44 5522 264.
Our Swiss detectives are certified investigation experts who either did an apprenticeship as private detectives or learned their skills in their former careers as policemen, criminalists or secret service agents. Accordingly, our private investigators in Switzerland are both, competent and experienced.
By maintaining a nation- and worldwide network of qualified cooperating detective agencies, we are able to undertake researches and surveillances in nearly all parts of the globe. Our chief investigator Patrick Kurtz is frequently consulted as an expert by various TV, radio and print media.
You may employ our detective services in every Swiss city and area, including Aargau, Basel, Bern, Freiburg, Genf, Graubünden, Luzern, St. Gallen, St. Moritz, Tessin, Waadt, Wallis, Zurich and many more. We may also help you with problems in Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein.
You may contact the Kurtz Detective Agency Switzerland via our contact form or via phone (+41 (0)44 5522 264) or via email to kontakt@kurtz-detektei-schweiz.ch.
We will be pleased to receive your request!
*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Switzerland are executed and billed from the Max-Högger-Strasse in Zurich, Switzerland. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here.
Kurtz Detektei Zürich und Schweiz
Max-Högger-Strasse 6
8048 Zürich
Tel.: +41 (0)800 220 020 (kostenfrei)
Festnetz: +41 (0)44 5522 264
Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00
*Hinweis: Alle Einsätze der Kurtz Detektei Zürich und Schweiz werden von Zürich aus bearbeitet. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten beziehungsweise -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Schweiz und Zürich. Für andere Schweizer Städte und Kantone können wir Ihnen günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Regionen erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrösseren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.
Impressum | Datenschutz | Sitemap
© Kurtz Detektei Schweiz | Detektei Zürich | Detektiv Schweiz | Privatdetektiv Bern | Privatdetektei Genf | Wirtschaftsdetektei Basel | Detektiv-Kosten Schweiz | Wirtschaftsdetektiv
Lausanne|Abhörschutz Schweiz | Detektiv Winterthur | Detektei Luzern | Privatdetektiv St. Gallen | Detektei Lugano | Detektiv Zürich | Detektei Genf | Detektiv Bern | Privatdetektiv Basel